Remote Care Tools

The Ted Rogers Centre is committed to enabling equitable access to quality, person-centred heart failure care. To this end, we develop digital health solutions that are precise and predictive, and empower Canadians with heart failure to stay safe and well-managed at home.

Digital Health - Medly app

Our revolutionary technology enables continuous monitoring and proactive, remote support so that clinicians and patients can take action before symptoms worsen. “Medly” is a remote management program where patients enter their symptoms, receive real-time feedback on self-care, medications are adjusted, and clinical teams are alerted to any urgent issues that require follow up.

Medly keeps patients safe at home, guarded by specialized care for which they’d otherwise need to visit clinics.

Medly is the first telemonitoring system to be designated a Class II medical device by Health Canada. Inside University Health Network, it has proven to cut rehospitalizations by 50% and all-cause admissions by 24% for people with heart failure.

Medly is being deployed in specialty cardiac centres and primary care clinics across Ontario. Medly Therapeutics is working with institutions to see how the technology can fit in their workflows.

Any interested clinicians may reach out to the Medly team to learn more about the successful model, best practices, and details on implementation.

Digital Health - Medly app screens