By the Numbers

0 – Cures for heart failure

1st – Most rapidly rising cardiovascular disease in Canada

2.1 – Average survival rate, in years

10 – Average length of stay in hospital, in days

25 – Percent, the projected growth of heart failure prevalence in the next 20 years.

26 – Days of hospital resources by average patient in 1st year of treatment

60,000 – Canadians diagnosed each year

1 million – Canadians have heart failure

1.4 million – Hospital stays each year

$3 billion – Its toll on the Canadian health-care system

1Million1.4 million hospital stays2-1 years survival1in5 at risk


References include:
Ross H, Howlett J, Arnold JM, Liu P, O’Neill BJ, Brophy JM, Simpson CS, Sholdice MM, Knudtson M, Ross DB, Rottger J, & Glasgow K. Treating the right patient at the right time: Access to heart failure care. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 2006;22(9):749-54
Canadian Cardiovascular Society. (2006). CCS Consensus Document on congestive heart failure 2006. Retrieved from:
Canadian Cardiovascular Society. (2001). CCS Consensus Document on congestive heart failure 2001. Retrieved from:
Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 105-0501 and Catalogue no. 82-221-X
Naylor et al, ICES 1999
Senni et al, Circ 1998
Lee et al, Circulation 2009
Costanzo MR et al, AHJ 2008
Heidenreich PA et al, Circulation. 2011;123:933–944.